2023 Annual Session of the ACP - On Demand

2023 Annual Session of the ACP - On Demand
To register for this course, please go to https://www.pathlms.com/acp/courses/61378

Led by Program Chair Dr. Ramtin Sadid-Zadeh and ACP President Dr. Gerald Grant, Forward the Foundation of Prosthodontics delves into using technology to improve treatment while relying on the fundamentals of prosthodontics. This meeting highlights the latest clinical protocols and leading-edge technological advancements, with presentations dedicated to digital innovation, modernized workflows, and full-arch implant treatment.This course is worth up to 22.25 Continuing Education Credits. 

Treating the Terminal Dentition...Where do we Draw the Line?

            Ricardo Mitrani, DDS, MSD


Full Mouth Rehabilitation Using a Digital Workflow

            Effie Habsha, BSc, DDS, MSc

Practice Management: Full Mouth Rehabilitation with Implant Prosthesis Using Digital Workflow

            Athena Goodarzi, MS, DDS

            Dr. Sean Mohtashami, DDS


Rehabilitation of Patients with Acquired Maxillary Defects

            Ruth Aponte Wesson, DDS

Implant Retained Cantilevers: A Bridge Too Far?

            Kenneth Kurtz, DDS, FACP


Transform Your Practice with Digital Technology

            Graz Giglio, DDS


Fixed Prosthodontics in the 21st Century: What has Changed and What Must Remain the Same?

            Robert F Faulkner, DDS, MS


Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Repair or Replace?

            Nadim Z. Baba, DMD, MSD, FACP

Additive Prosthodontics: The 3STEP Method and Dental Wear

            Francesca Vailati DMD, MD, MSc, DMD, MD, MSc

Immediate and Delayed Implant Treatment: Zero Bone Loss

            Tomas Linkevicius, DDS, PhD


Prosthodontic Treatment: Needs & Goals for Older Partially Dentate Patients

            Sunyoung Ma, BDS, DClinDent, PhD, MRACDS (Pros), FPFA


Endo in the Time of Implants: Proper Understanding of Treatment Options

            Adham A Azim, BDS, DDS


Prosthetic Implant Complications: Causes, Prevention, and Management

            Todd R. Schoenbaum, DDS, MS


Is Complete Digital Workflow for Full-Arch Rehabilitation a Reality?

            Panos Papaspyridakos, DDS, MS, PhD


Contemporary Digital Dentistry in Full -Arch Rehabilitations: Science & Clinics

            Henriette Lerner, DMD


Guided Surgery with Magnetic Guides for Edentulous Cases

            Kris Chmielewski DMD, MSc


Implant and Prosthetic Solutions with Immediate Function for the Full-Arch Atrophic Maxilla Rehabilitation

            Armando Lopes, DDS, MSc, PhD

            Carlos Moura Guedes, DDS


Novel Prosthetic Digital Workflow at the Service of Immediately Loaded Full-Arch Implant Restorations: New Solutions to Overcome the Limitations

            Eitan Mijiritsky DMD, PhD, Dipl. in Prosthod.


Teeth & More: What Prosthodontics Can Do for the Elderly and Multimorbid Patient

            Frauke Müller, Prof Dr. Med dent Dr


State of the Art and Science in Tissue Regeneration

            Tara Aghaloo, DDS, MD, PhD


Digital Interdisciplinary Treatment: How to Combine Biology with Technology to Achieve Predictability in Esthetic Zone

            Gustavo Giordani, DDS


Form with Function: Current Standards in Tissue Preservation and Implant Site Development

            Rodrigo Neiva, DDS, MS


Risk Factors in Implant Surgery

            Waldemar Polido, DDS, MS, PhD


The Role of the FDA in Restorative Dental Devices and Considerations for Point of Care Responsibilities

            Bobak Shirmohammadi, MS


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