ACP Prosthodontic Webinars

ACP Prosthodontic Webinars
Know Before You Go: Essential Diagnostics and Treatment Planning for All-on-X Cases ACP Prosthodontic Webinars

Presented by George R. Sloan, DDS, MDS, FACP

Implant-supported fixed complete denture (ISFCD) therapy can have a huge impact on patient quality of life, but can also be fraught with challenges. As in any rehabilitation, following the proper diagnostic and treatment planning processes increases the likelihood of a successful outcome and minimizes risk. This lecture takes a systematic approach to understanding what information must be gathered and planning must be accomplished prior to the day of surgery in ISFCD therapy.

At the conclusion of this session, attendees should be able to

  •        Explain the components of a complete diagnostic workup.
  •        Predict how teeth-in-space and restorative space principles affect outcomes.
  •      Create a plan for transition lines, appropriate prosthetic contours, and sound implant positions.

Earn 1 Continuing Education Credit



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