ACP Prosthodontic Webinars

The Use of Prototypes for Interdisciplinary Oral Rehabilitations

Presented by Ali Abdallah, BDS, CAGS, DScD, FACP   

Prototypes and templates of various forms have long been used among all dental disciplines, but digital dentistry presents new opportunities for the use of prototypes in interdisciplinary treatment. This presentation aims to show, through clinical cases, various examples of digitally designed and produced prototypes that facilitate communication among various members of the dental team and the patient, and the potential for robust treatment planning, simulation, and execution. 

At the conclusion of this session, attendees should be able to:

  • Understand the limitations of conventional approaches to treatment planning compared to those offered by digital techniques. 
  • Identify treatment planning goals for complex oral rehabilitations. 
  • Explain prototype techniques that allow the planning, visualization, simulation, and execution of complex oral rehabilitations.

Earn 1 Continuing Education Credit
8/6/2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Central Daylight Time

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